Photo Gallery
Check out these unique and historical photos of the Bay Port Fish Company building and operation throughout the 20th century


Additional buildings by the current Bay Port Fish Company building site.


Old fish truck used for deliveries and services.


Image from the 1900s showing Bayport fish co. building prior to current building.


A view of the Bay Port Fish company from a distance.


Finishing up a day of fishing in Bayport.


Tod Williams learning how to run the Bay Port fish co.


Box of yellow perch


Connie Williams learning about the fish company


Connie with Prices 1


Connie with Prices 2


Old fishing boat


Fisherman unloading their catch.


The fish company full of customers


Group photo in front of the Bay Port fish company


Tod and Forrest learning to mend nets


Looking over anchors and other equipment as the new owners of Bay Port fish company.


Picture of Dennis Root, former part owner of Bay Port fish co.


A couple of old fisherman holding a net.


Picture of men goofing around with a hose.


Men standing in front of the fish company.


An old picture of the fish company from inside an old car.


A picture of Tod Williams training.


Picture of Tod, Connie and Lakon Williams.
